33 week update!

How far along?  33 weeks + 3 days
Total weight gain/measurements: No trips to the scales this week, maybe next week 😉
Maternity clothes: I don’t think I will be buying any more maternity clothes. I’m on the hunt for a good Christmas jumper though!
Stretch marks: Nothing yet. Although my belly button is looking a little sore around my old piercing (FYI I’m not wearing a bar, and haven’t worn one for about two years!)
Sleep: It’s not getting any better so I’m making the most of what I can get, no matter how uncomfortable it is!
Best moment this week: Our day out in Brighton with our friends yesterday. We all had a lovely time, I was quite surprised that I managed to last the entire day without getting too tired or achy. I think we planned our day well with plenty of rest stops so that I wasn’t too worn out. I am feeling it today though, my pelvis is sore and I didn’t manage to sleep very well. We all ate too much food and we both had a bit of a food hangover this morning!
Miss anything? Beer! We went to an American restaurant last night and everyone shared two giant pitchers of beer, and I sat there with my lemonade. I was very sad! We will have to go back there at some point 🙂
Movement: Baby is attacking me at all angles and it is wonderful haha! I really enjoy feeling the baby fidget even if it does hurt some times. I get woken up by either a punch to my bladder or a kick in my ribs. That isn’t very pleasant, and I cannot go back to sleep after that. I have to go to the loo, and then the baby is well and truly awake and practising their ninja skills!
Food cravings: Still nothing in particular. I haven’t had much of an appetite, I guess there really isn’t much room in there for food!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still the indigestion.
Gender: I can’t wait to find out! I’m so excited about our big surprise at the birth. My gut feeling still tells me boy, but I really just don’t know. I’ll be just as happy if a baby girl pops out, as long as the baby is OK!!
Labour signs: None
Symptoms: Tiredness, forgetfulness, extremely clumsy, pelvic pain and indigestion!
Belly button in or out? Still in, it’s funny to watch when baby is pushing behind it. It looks so much like it is going to pop out when he/she is wiggling around beneath it!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Still quite grumpy. I’m getting really fed up with work at the moment. Some people are forgetting that there are some things that I can’t do any more. It isn’t through choice! I’ve been told by my boss not to use kick stools or go to certain parts of the hospital alone. I’ve been told by my physio that I cannot push trolleys or lift anything heavier than a kettle full of water. They all know this, but why do I feel bad when I ask them to do something for me? Or remind them that no, I can’t push that trolley! *deep breath* 3 weeks until I can start my maternity! I am counting down the days!!
Looking forward to: Next weekends event is my baby shower! A couple of my friends have arranged it and I only know two things about it: the time and the place. I’m a little nervous about it. I’ve only been to one baby shower. It is something that is quite new to England I think, and not many people I know have been to one, hosted one or had one thrown for them, apart from one of my friends who has organised mine. I’m not really sure what to expect and I’m a little nervous about having a lot of attention on me. I’m sure it will be lovely, I just hope that people don’t go overboard with the gifts!
Emi xx

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